| Camphor Tree., Cinnamomum Camphora | Mangifera indica L. | Saccharum spontaneum | Amaranthaceae |
| Melastoma candidum D. Don | Bryophullum pinnatum | Ipomoea nil Roth | Pyracantha coccinea <Medic>M.Roem |
| Cycas revoluta Thunb | Bambusa beecheyana Munro | Bambusa stenostachya Hackel | Melia azedarach L |
| Phragmites communis | Datura suaveolens Humb. & Bonpl. ex willd. | Hedychium coronarium Koen. | Musa sp |
| Anas platyrhynchos | Blue-winged Pitta | Taiwan Whistling Thrush | Formosan rock-monkey |
Name:Melia azedarach L
Anonymity:bitter Tuckahoe, bitter chinaberry, Logged tree
Name of Township:Linnei Township
Name of City:Yunlin County
Type:Melia azedarach L |
Description:There are few Melia azedarach L. trees (China Berry, Bead Tree, Persian Lilac) beside No. 3 water gate. It is an indigenous species of Taiwan and can be usually seen in suburbs. It adapts to the environment quite well and seasonal changes are obvious. Only a few twigs are left with certain yellow fruit in wintertime. Melia azedarach L. trees are a type of deciduous trees and about 10 meters high. Leaves are odd-pinnate, ovoid or lanceolate fringed with saw-toothed full margins sometimes. Flowers bloom in March and April. Panicles are arranged in light purple small flowers. Chaliced calyx has five petals. Ten stamens are connected by thrum forming a lavender tubular object. There is one style with ovoid or spherical drupes of 1 cm in diameter, which turns to yellow when ripening. The long oval-shaped seeds are dark brown. |