| Lin, Yi | Lin, Ke-Ming | Yang, Cheng | Jheng, Cuei-Pai | Cai, Lin | Cai, Pu-Jhih | Cai, Guang-Wu |
| Jhang, Bang-Yan | You, Ming-Jhen | Jheng, Ying-Jhou | Huang, Chuan-Wu |
Name:Yang, Cheng
Date of Birth:Kangxi-Chienlung period
Date of Death:Kangxi period |
Place of Birth:Bishuei Fujian Province |
Place of Activity:Jhuoluo County Touliuman |
Category:Historical figures |
Specialty:no |
Educational Background:no |
Experience:no |
Contribution:was the senior around Linnei and Jioucyonglin |
Work:no |
Award:no |
Association:no |
Description:Yang, Cheng, named Wun-Lin, came from Fujian Bixi and came to Taiwan for start his business. He got rich in twenty to thirty years. He has more than one thousand Jia. Then, his belongings were seized. Fortunately, an expectant mother went back home to meet relatives so she escaped the disaster and the Yangs were able to succeed. The offspring of Yang, Cheng stayed in Siluo, Touliu, Tounan, Bantou, Kaohsiung and overseas. And most of them worked in medical field as well as Christians. |
Contact:no |